Just when you thought he was fading away, and some questioning whether he would ever get to 756, Barry Bonds had his best day in about 10 weeks. Bonds went 3-5 with 2 jacks and 6 RBI's in Thursday's loss to the Cubs. Barry Bonds is not the Bonds of a 5-10 years ago, but he can still get hot and if he does, he can hit 5 home runs in a week. He's now moved to within 2 home runs of Hank Aaron and is 3 away from holding the record all by himself. It looks like things are setting up so he'll be in position to either do it in Milwaukee (where Aaron played the majority of his career) or back in the bay in San Francisco. I have tickets to Tuesday nights' Braves game so I am hoping to have a chance to see either 755 or 756 in person. It's too bad this can't be a more celebrated time as far as the Giants go. You know your going bad as a team when your best player plays his best game of the season, and you still can't pull it out. Matt Morris turned in another abysmal performance Thursday and whatever trade value he had before July is falling faster than the team itself. Matt Cain's record fell to 3-11 on Wednesday, and for the most part has pitched as good or better than some of the guys leading the league in victories. This team has the worst problem a team in their position can have: All their big contracts and guys who they want to get rid off, have no value. Normally you get a team that's out of it at the break, and they have some pieces that can acquire help for the future. The only guy who can bring something back whose name has been mentioned is Noah Lowry. And unless your getting a young player who's proven himself and has all-star potential, Lowry stays put.
Will Bonds go on the DL as soon as he hits 756?